
Harvest::Reaper - fetch and summarise objects


The Reaper handles the fetching and summarisation of objects - its designed to work in co-operation with a Harvest::Controller which provides URLs and accepts results.


$reaper=new Reaper $fetch $summarise $config;

Create a new Reaper.

$fetch should be a Harvest::Reaper::Fetcher or a subclass $summarise should be a Harvest::Reaper::Summarise or a subclass $config should be a Harvest::Config


Provide access to the Harvest::Reaper::Summarise class.


Process the Harvest::Object $object.

The processing follows these steps:

1) Fetch the object using the Harvest::Reaper::Fetcher object

2) Summarise the object using the Harvest::Reaper::Summarise object, and the summariser set constructed using the addsummariser method.

A temporary file is used to do this which is created in /tmp, use the PID of the current process. If the file already exists, the reaper will die.